The Crossing
Code 23/175
Merthyr lives and paints on the Tawharanui Peninsula, one hour north of Auckland , New Zealand.
It is big sky country where banks of clouds appear like cathedrals in the sky. From time to time there is huge surf at Anchor Bay at the end of the peninsula and dolphins, seals and orcas are seen there.
The River Series, one of which was shortlisted in the National Contemporary award in 2022, continues the work with water as subject.
In 2023 Merthyr asked to use Dame Anne Salmond's words to support her work highlighting New Zealand's cavalier attitude to water.
“ Is the headlong pursuit of short-term prosperity at the expense of our waterways a rational choice, or is it a foolish, deluded gamble, based on a mistaken separation between people and the environment that is the source of our life, health and wealth? "
Dame Anne Salmond